Advocates for Oklahomans

Kirkpatrick Policy Group works every day to protect political interests affecting all Oklahomans. KPG was founded in 2017 after our charter members led the defeat of State Question 777, Right to Farm. We organized the campaign in 2019 to include MAPS 4 funding for a new Oklahoma City Animal Shelter. We were one of many voices in 2023 that called for the approval of pandemic relief funding to restore Oklahoma's arts sector. Today, we advocate for a woman's right to reproductive health services and lobby Congress to fund programs proven to reduce teen birth rates in central Oklahoma. Read on and join the cause!

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Women's Reproductive Health

Your Body is a Battleground // Part Three: Reproductive healthcare protects women

By Brendan Hoover

As politicians debate about it, restrictions on reproductive healthcare have real-life consequences.

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Animal safety overlooked during prison rodeo study

By Brendan Hoover

A new Oklahoma prison rodeo would help inmates, officials say, but what about animal safety?

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Women's Reproductive Health

Your Body is a Battleground // Part Two: Birth Control Advocates Choose Sides

By Brendan Hoover

There’s a trend to restrict access to contraception, even as some states codify reproductive care.

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Kirkpatrick Policy Group is a nonpartisan, independent, 501(c)(4) social welfare organization established in 2017. Our mission is to identify, support, and advocate for positions on issues affecting all Oklahomans, including concern for the arts and arts education, animals, and women's reproductive health. Improving the quality of life for Oklahomans is our primary vision, seeking to accomplish this through our shared values of collaboration, respect, education, and stewardship.


Companion animals, farm animals, and wildlife all deserve to live in comfort and with dignity. KPG promotes policy that protects all creatures great and small. Farm animals – who already live and die for human benefit – should have adequate food, shelter, and medical treatment. They must not be mistreated or imprisoned in cages scarcely larger than their own bodies. The cruel practice of animal fighting must end. Criminal penalties for those who choose to break established law must be maintained and enforced. We must ensure legal protections for wildlife, including environmental policies that protect habitats and ecosystems. Regulations and enforcement related to puppy mill conditions must be vigilant. We support economic policy that curtails the retail sale of pets.

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Arts and Art Education

KPG advocates for increased arts and art education funding at the state level for the Oklahoma Arts Council and the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority and at the federal level for Oklahoma Humanities. We support policy and funding to increase art education programs in Oklahoma’s K – 12 public schools. Municipal and public-school libraries must be protected by promoting policy that eschews censorship and opposing legislation that would restrict intellectual freedoms.

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Women's Reproductive Health

KPG works to protect access to the full range of women’s reproductive health services, including family planning and contraception. We promote policy that will further reduce teen birth rates in Oklahoma, including increased funding of the federal Teen Pregnancy Prevention grant program. We promote policy and legislation that ensures the full realization of the Oklahoma Health Education Act of 2021, and we oppose policy and legislation that would hinder enforcement of this law. We work to protect access to medically factual, evidence-based, age-appropriate health education in Oklahoma’s K – 12 public schools.

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